To offer a paper for the Nordic Journal in Dance and Education, follow the instructions below and send a completed text to the editorial board. The board will forward the texts to external reviewers, who will suggest publishing the text as it stands or with required revisions. The reviewers also might suggest that the text is not published. The editorial board will send the authors the reports, suggested procedures and deadlines for completing the text.
To produce new knowledge on the doing, learning and teaching of dance/movement in the Nordic context
To support the connection between research and practice in dance and movement education and art.
To document and reflect upon the work being done within dance and education in the Nordic countries from kindergarten to higher education
To increase the reflections around dance and pedagogy from the teachers’ and practitioners’ perspective.
To exchange reflections on experiences within dance and pedagogy
To address specific themes related to the purpose of the journal and suggested by the editorial board.
To build networks within dance in education in the Nordic countries
Articles should have a clear perspective relating to the purpose of the journal and the thematic suggestions of the board.
Articles can be written in English or one of the Nordic languages.
The article should include two abstracts of a maximum length of 1000 signs (approx. 10 lines): one written in the language used for the article and the other in a Nordic language (for articles in English) or in English (for articles written in native language).
The article should include a separate page with the name of the author and a 100 word biography of the author.
Articles may be edited by the editorial board
1. Length:
The article/texts manuscripts can be 35000 signs (inclusive space marks), which is about 5500 words or 15 pages, or less in length including footnotes, references as well as illustrations. They can be written in alternative textual formats. But we wish that you follow both the formatting and reference guidelines as much as possible.
2. Formatting
Use paper based on European standard: A4 210 x 297mm.
Type the text in 12 point Times New Roman font or variation such as Times or Times Roman.
Use line-spacing 1.5 throughout (even quotations)
Capitalize the title in the top left margin of page one. Put author’s name in the left margin double-spaced (click enter twice) below the title. The author’s name should be followed by double-space before the beginning of the main text of the article.
Leave two blank spaces above all headings and one below
Type all headings, titles and names in ordinary type, using capitals only where they are necessary. Never use capitals throughout headings, titles or names.
Do not use fat typing or underlining
Use italics in titles of books, newspapers, journals, periodicals, art works etc.
Use English (UK or Oxford) spelling for your own text, but give the original spelling for quotations (archaic, American …).
Write -ize and -ization, in preference to -ise and -isation.
No full stop after Dr, Mr, Mrs, and similar abbreviations ending with the same letter as the full form. Other abbreviations take the full stop (Esc., p.m., etc.), except capitals used in abbreviations of journals (PMLA, NTS) or of organizations (UNESCO).
For dates use only the form 15 May 2005.
Write out in full “do not”, “will not”, etc.
Use minimal numerals: 1882-92, 141-2; but 13-15; 111-19.
Write “ninety nine spectators”, but “101 fans”.
“Act Three, scene 5, lines 35-51” becomes after a quotation: (3,5:35-51). For volume, or part, use roman numerals: I, II …
Write centuries in full. Hyphenate only the adjectival use: “seventeenth-century drama”, but “the theatre in the seventeenth century”.
4. Margins
Use 1 cm margins on all sides.
5. Spacing
Use line-spacing 1,5 in the main body of the text. Separate paragraphs with double-space.
6. Page numbers
Mark page numbers at the lower right corner of the paper.
7. Pictures and illustrations
The articles can include illustrations and pictures. Digital forms are preferred. Please include information on the name of the possible photographer, performance and performers in the picture. Also make sure that you have the photographer’s permission to use the material in this book.
8. References inside the main text and endnotes:
Mark references in parenthesis inside the text using Chicago Manual of Style.
Mark notes as endnotes. Use the automatic endnote-numbering system in the Word programme.
Write a separate bibliography following the guidelines below.
You can use italics for concepts and names
Direct quotations that are longer than two lines: indented: 2cm margins on each side without quotation marks.
Notes and bibliographies should follow the Chicago Manual of Style 14th ed. (author-date citation system).